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How to dedicate your time and energy in game


Staff member
Sep 6, 2019
One of the questions most guys have is

"If you were dedicating 40 hours a week to game, what's the best break down of time?

I'm thinking splitting:

30-32 hours split between daygame and dates and nightgame,

4-5 hours writing field reports (45 mins a day)

4-5 hours watching infield (inc notes + analysis), atleast initially"

*A little rant, but feel free to ask more specific questions in the comments...*

How everyone dedicates their hours to game will differ from person to person! Everyone should go through a thorough analysis of your own game. Where you are. All your weaknesses and strengths.

Having a period (at least 4 weeks) to really break down your game and accurately pinpoint your weaknesses and strengths is important. The only problem with this, and this is based on my coaching experience, a lot of guys aren't even able to analyze their own game or experiences. They don't know what their weaknesses or strengths are. And often times when they think they do, they are wrong. And even when they actually point out a couple sticking points, those sticking points may not even be that big of a deal and they often focus too much time and energy on those sticking points. Essentially wasting weeks, months or years in game.

Stop taking action for the sake of taking action. A lot of people are taking a lot of action, but taking the wrong action. And over months and years. For a lot of guys the simple experience of getting out there is super helpful. But eventually, and sooner than later, you need to have an action plan. You need to take the proper steps and use those 40 hours efficiently and effectively.

I'm able to pinpoint almost all student's sticking points and how exactly to work on them immediately within 7 days, if not the first day or two. But early in my journey, it took me far longer to really identify and create appropriate steps moving forward for myself. I had to get it wrong many, many times.

So many of you will also go through something similar. But you can use this group for example or even other members/wings to give you advice. The best feedback I ever get always comes from the girl. Especially if you can get them to open up honestly. Or decipher what they truly mean.

We had a student on program where we'd get feedback from his girls after a blow out or set. It was on par with exactly what we were telling him. Which really solidified (in his mind) what he needed to focus on. It was one reoccurring issue. Every time. You can do the same with your wings and the girls.

You should be doing this during your 4 week analysis period (or longer). I'd focus far less on actually getting lays and validation and more on getting the feedback needed to improve and take your game to the next level. Learning (and taking risks, experimenting) should be a priority over getting a couple lays during this time.

In between sets or at the end of the night (I would recommend in between sets) you should debrief on your phone while it's fresh.

I'd want as much feedback as much as possible during these 4 weeks. I'd want to take risks. I'd want to take on as many new experiences as possible. Experiment as much as possible. Actually be willing and ready to not have much "success".

At the end you should have some reoccuring themes. A pattern of mistakes. Or even things you've done well every time. My debrief template will help form a bigger picture when you analyze it.

You'll then form a list of your weaknesses (or sticking points). Could be 20, 30... or just 5. But you'll want to rank them in order of priority. This will be based on how often these sticking points keep reoccurring in interactions. Or they may be the reason interactions don't flow or move forward or abruptly end.

Start at #1 and put all your focus and energy in improving in whatever that area is. Come up with an action plan that you believe will work (asking one of us will drastically help) and take action. When I was learning I tried doing a thousand things at once and going really nowhere. It wasn't until I focused one big weakness and improving before moving onto the next that I actually started to see huge improvements.

When you go down that list (things will always be added to that list!) of sticking points, they will become less severe and you'll be able to take on more of them at once.
Or you can take your strengths and make it even stronger. Doing this will mask or make up for a lot of the smaller sticking points.

Again, there is a period in the journey where you may need to sacrifice getting results (aka lays and validation) for the sake of learning and increasing your skills. Don't be a pussy.

The trickiest part of this process is that your mindset may be the biggest issue of all holding you back. You always start and work on your mindsets (mental weaknesses) first before moving onto external stuff. Fixing your body language and tonality, etc.. will def help internally. But we've had students who had a massive roadblock and all they needed was a shift in mindsets. Then they were able to unleash their true potential. That could take a couple days (you know who you are) or weeks, months, etc..

If you have terrible mindsets (negative mentality, etc) and you think taking action and learning techniques and routines will somehow get you past it, it won't. You're just avoiding the issue. You're looking for the easy road... (you know who you are...)

You need to have structure. And you need to simply everything. A clear action plan. Clear short and long term goals. One step at a time. Do no overwhelm yourself (RSD shit comes to mind). Be willing to go on a longer journey. To suffer and sacrifice the occasional success that you've gotten thus far.

Lastly to answer the daygame, nightgame and online question. Balance is key in my opinion. Do not do all online game. Do not do all daygame or all nightgame. All nightgame will kill you. All online game will not maximize your potential. If you're me, you'll do less nightgame and more daygame and online dating. Balance is key though! What matters is that you're able to work on your sticking points/weaknesses consistently.

Don't sit at home and jerk off to theory and infield. I am convinced 99% of guys do this. I know who is at the clubs and who is at home hitting us up about theory. Don't be that guy.
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